Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Our lives are devastation with inflation running wild.
(She's grinding food for animals to feed her starving child).
We may not have a Sunday roast, whatever shall we do?
(Her baby's close to death tonight, he may not make it through).
It's possible subscription to the gym may have to go.
(The rains have failed again this year, the crops will never grow).
The children need some trainers and they'll only have the best!
(Her baby dies while cuddled to his mother's empty breast).
We've pared back to essentials, there is no way we can save.
(With tear soaked eyes a mother lays her baby in his grave).


Lily said...

This is so poignant, and something I think a lot of us forget sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Lily, easy to do isn't it?

aliqot said...

Good to see your blog up and running again. I'll drop in now I know it's 'live'.


Pam said...

Thank you Alison, lovely to see you here!